
Ayurveda & Panchakarma Therapy

What is Panchakarma Therapy ?

Literally Pancha means five and Karma means procedures. When special therapeutic procedures are conducted to remove increased vitiated Doshas ( Vital bio forces or humors viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha )from the closest route of the patient’s body, then it is termed as Shodhana Chikitsa’ or ‘Panchakarma Chikitsa’ or ‘Purificatory Procedures’ or more commonly known as ‘Detoxification Therapy’. Since there are five main procedures in these kind of therapies ,
they are known as Panchakarma.
It is conducted in the following sequence such as –

1. Poorvakarma ( Preparatory Procedures)

2. Pradhana Karma ( Main Procedures)

3. Paschata Karma ( Follow up procedures)

What is Poorvakarma ?

Those procedures which are usually undertaken before doing the main purificatory procedures are termed as Poorvakarma. Many a times they are utilised as the independent therapeutic procedures to treat or prevent certain diseased conditions. They are of two types viz. Snehana ( Oleation Therapy) and Swedana (Sudation therapy or Medicated Steam Fomentation therapy)

Snehana- Therapy (Oleation Therapy)

In this appropriate Ayurvedic medicated oils (Ayurvedic Siddha Tail) are utilised for gentle massaging the diseased part of the patient’s body. The oil is applied with a specific way (usually with Anuloma Gati) . The process of application of medicated oil to different parts of the patient’s body is also termed as ‘Abhyangam’. Viz. Shirobhyangam ( application of oil to the head region), Karnapoorana ( instillation of oil inside the ear) , Sarvanga Abhyanga Mardana ( application of medicated oil to the entire body with gentle massage ) etc.which is usually followed by sudation therapy.

This can be undertaken in two ways ; Internal and External

In Internal Oleation Therapy, patient will be given medicated ghee or oil to consume either along with food ( Sneha Pravicharana ) or as it is (Acchtha Sneha)
In External , it could be in a way as explained earlier ie with external application as in case of Abhyanga or in the specific special procedures such as Kaval, Gandusha, Manyabasti, Katibasti, Netra tarpana or Netra basti, Shirobasti, Sandhibasti etc. 

Swedana- Therapy (Sudation Therapy or Medicated Steam Fomentation therapy)

In this procedure , one uses appropriate combinations of herbal decoctions , boil them to produce steam out of it. That steam is utilised for fomentation over the portion of body which has already given oleation therapy.

Usually it is given in the form of Nadisweda. Nadi means hollow tube, when steam is given through this hollow tube then it is termed as Nadisweda. There are many other types of swedana like Jentaka sweda, Pindasweda etc. In certain conditions like Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) we need to give shushka Sweda (dry Heat) rather than giving moisten heat as we give in case of Nadisweda.


What is Pradhana Karma ?

There are five main therapeutic modalities which can bring about Shodhana of the vitiated increased Doshas , which detoxify our body from the toxins accumulated due to these increased vitiated doshas, They are five in number. They are listed as below -

1.Vamana- (Induced metered emesis)

– In this procedure a patient initially examined by a physician to confirm whether or not fit for the procedure , then given medicated ghee to drink with in an increasing dosage in a specific way with special reference to his Agni ( Digestive capacity) , also followed by Swedan (Sudation Therapy), so that increased vitiated doshas will comes to his Kostha(Guts) and then on the day of Vamana Therapy, patient is asked to drink water or milk or medicated decoction in a great volume and then asked to lick medicament with honey so that he will start getting nauseated and starts vomiting. All these vomitus are not thrown but preserved and measured and observed for its characteristic features just to confirm whether Vamana was ‘Aapittanta’ or not , means whether Pitta can be seen in the last part of the vomitus.Followed by strict rest and a specific diet needs to be followed( which is known as Samsarjana Krama)

Vamana is useful in number of Kapha Disorders, Useful in Bronchial asthma (Tamakshwasa), Oosing Dermatitis or Eczemas ( Kushtha), Psoriasis (Kitibha Kushtha), Hyperacidity( Amplapitta ) and many more conditions.

2. Virechana

– Induced metered purgation .It is done in similar way to Vamana, patient needs to be given snehana and swedana followed by purgatives/ laxatives. Patient also follows special diet rules after Virechana. It is mainly done for increased vitiated Pitta.

Virechana is useful in majority of Pitta Diseaes and also for Rakta pradoshaja diseases. Certain studies have also demonstrated the use of Virechana in cases of Obesity , Hypercholesterolemia.

3.Nasya - (Induced metered emesis)

– Metered instillation of drug through nostrils / nasal route. In this the part s in the vicinity viz.nose, temples, forehead, shoulders,neck region is oliated massaged gently followed by steam therapy, taking care of eyes. Followed by instillation of medicated Ayurvedic drugs in the form of Swarasa(Expressed juice), Kwatha ( decoction of medicinal herbs),Medicated oils, medicated ghee or medicated powders in an appropriate dosage in the either nostrils after giving a specific head low position to the patient. It is usually taking care of increased vitiated Kapha Dosha in and around head region. It is also considered as the preferred route of administration for better absorption of drug. In Ayurveda , Nasya is considered as the route of treating diseases in the head region, as mentioned in the script as – “Nasa hi Shiraso Dwaram I”

Nasya is indicated in different types of nasal diseases, such as Chronic, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, Deviated nasal septum, Atrophic rhinitis. Different eye diseases such as increasing Myopia, Refractory errors, Xerophthalmias (Dry eye syndromes), Amblyopias (Lazy Eye Syndromes),Glaucoma, Retinitis pigmentosa (R.P.),Age related Macular Degeneration (A.M.D.), Retinopathies of different origins like Diabetic Retinopathy, Hypertensive Retinopathy etc., for enhancing memory, for preventing hair loss and premature greying of hairs, for different types of paralysis and for many more conditions….

4. Raktamokshana

A metered blood letting ,with the help of either Leech therapy, or other methods including using scalp vein. It is known for taking care of increased vitiated Pitta and Rakta .

It is useful in number of Pitta and Rakta diseases, viz. Oozing eczema (Sravi Vicharchika), Herpes zoster (Agnivisarpa)


Induced metered purgation or retention through anal route. Specific drugs are inserted in the form of enema, either as retention enema in the form of medicated oils as Matra Basti or Anuvasana Basti

or as an evacuation enema in the form of a mixture of medicated decoction with medicated oils Niruha Basti

As in case of earlier procedures snehan swedana are pre requisites to follow with Basti karma. After or while following Basti Procedure, one need to follow appropriate diet regimen.

Used in controlling increased vitiated Vata Dosha. Thus it is aptly termed as Ardha Chikitsa. It is considered as one of the main therapeutic modality in controlling, treating or preventing Vata disoders.Useful in Sciatica, Hemiparesis, Paralysis, Diabetes and many more conditions.

Special Panchakarma Procedures


Specific medicated decoctions or ghees are instilled in a specially prepared well like structure in and around eyes , and patient is instructed to do constant blinking in that media. Then thereafter eyes are blindfolded and massage is given to the palms and soles of the patient in a simultaneous way.

Used in number of ophthalmic conditions such as increasing Myopia, Refractory errors, Xerophthalmias (Dry eye syndromes), Amblyopias (Lazy Eye Syndromes),Glaucoma, Retinitis pigmentosa (R.P.),Age related Macular Degeneration (A.M.D.), Retinopathies of different origins like Diabetic Retinopathy, Hypertensive Retinopathy etc. It is also useful in condition like computer vision syndrome where there is constant fatigue to the eyes by long term observing of the computer screen. There is pain inside eyes, dryness of eyes, which can get better with this procedure.


Specific medicated decoctions or oils are instilled in a specially prepared well like structure in and around waist region based on the maximum pain or lesion observed in the examination. , and patient is instructed to do lying down in the prone position ( on abdomen ) without disturbing this well like structure for specified period. After which oils is removed and that part is gently massaged in a scientific way as per Ayurvedic principle followed by steam fomentation therapy.

Used in Low back pain , Lumbar Spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, Partial herniation of intervertebral disc, Sciatica etc.

Manyabasti or Greevabasti

Specific medicated decoctions or oils are instilled in a specially prepared well like structure in and around neck region based on the maximum pain or lesion observed in the examination. , and patient is instructed to do lying down in the prone position ( on abdomen ) without disturbing this well like structure for specified period. After which oils is removed and that part is gently massaged in a scientific way as per Ayurvedic principle followed by steam fomentation therapy.

Used in Neck pain , Cervical Spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, Partial herniation of intervertebral disc etc.


Specific medicated decoctions or oils are instilled in a specially prepared well like structure in and around Knee region based on the maximum pain or lesion observed in the examination. , and patient is instructed to do lying down in the Supine position ( on the back) or in sitting position without disturbing this well like structure for specified period. After which oils is removed and that part is gently massaged in a scientific way as per Ayurvedic principle followed by steam fomentation therapy.

Used in Knee pain , Osteoarthritis of knee joint.


Specific medicated decoctions or oils are instilled in a specially prepared well like structure in and around specific joint to be treated, based on the maximum pain or lesion observed in the examination. , and patient is instructed to do lying down or in sitting position without disturbing this well like structure for specified period. After which oils is removed and that part is gently massaged in a scientific way as per Ayurvedic principle followed by steam fomentation therapy.

Used in aches and pains of different joints


A specialised stick of either ‘Gold’ (Suvarna shalaka), or Silver (Rajata Shalaka) or Panchaloha (made up of Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron and Brass ) or Copper (TamraShalaka ) or made up of clay (Mruttika shalaka) is used to give treatment in various diseased conditions. Here one side of these shalaka is heated up with lamp and other side becomes hot with the wave of conduction of heat. That point is placed to specified points as mentioned in the classical Ayurvedic scripts on the basis of Marma Points. As taught and practiced by Late Vaidyaraj Gogate Sir from Pune.

Useful in controlling aches and pains in many conditions . Also useful in treating various eye diseases.

Suchivedha Karma

A specialised procedure to prick needle at various points as mentioned in the Agnikarma. Can be considered as Ayurvedic Accupuncture technique as taught and practiced by Late Vaidyaraj Gogate Sir from Pune.

Helps to controlling aches and pains in many conditions. Also useful in treating various eye diseases.

Patra Pottali Sweda

Here a specified mixture of anti Vata herbs are cut to make a ball in a linen and dipped in a anti Vata decoction , applied on a diseased swollen joints or parts.


Here a rice balls coocked in a specified mixture of anti Dosha herbs are tied in a linen and dipped in a anti Dosha decoction , applied on a diseased swollen joints or parts.

Petisweda / Sarwanga sweda

Here a patient after he is getting thoroughly oleated kept in a box or a container either in a lying down or sitting posture with his head outside that chamber. A steam of medicated decoction is instilled in that chamber. Within short time the entire chamber gets filled with medicated steam. Patient gets profusely perspirated thereby getting rid of all body toxins within his body ( in the form of increased vitiated Dosha) .

Useful in nmany Vata diseases, Arthritis, Spondylosis, Sciatica, Obesity etc.

Should not be performed to those having high blood pressure.

These specility therapies are advocated in the ancient textbooks of Ayurveda and practised by Ayurvedacharyas since time immemorial, for the management of various disorders.
These therapies are extremely beneficial for various chronic disorders as follows :

Disease Management in Ayurveda ...

A. Rheumatology

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (R.A.)
  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Cervical Spondylitis
  • Lumbar Spondylosis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • P.I.D.(Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc)
  • Sciatica

B. Gastroenterology

  • Hepatitis / Jaundice
  • Hyperacidity
  • Reflux Oesophagitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S.)
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Haemorrhides (Piles)
  • Gall Blader Stone

C. Dermatology

  • Vitiligo/Leucoderma
  • Lichen planus
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Allergic Dermatitis
  • Photodermatitis
  • Acne Vulgaris (Pimples)
  • Alopecia areata
  • Alopecia totalis
  • Hair disorders: viz. 
    1. Loss of hairs, 
    2. Premature greying of hairs, 
    3. Splitting of hairs.

D. Ophthalmology

  • Hepatitis / Jaundice
  • Hyperacidity
  • Reflux Oesophagitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S.)
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Haemorrhides (Piles)
  • Gall Blader Stone

E. Gynaecology & Obstetrics

  • Vitiligo/Leucoderma
  • Menorrhagia
  • Disfunctional Uterine Blending (D.U.B.)
  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles
  • Amenorrhoeas
  • Infertility
  • Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorders (P.C.O.D.)
  • Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (I.U.G.R.)

F. Urology & Andrology

  • Hepatitis / Jaundice
  • Hyperacidity
  • Reflux Oesophagitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S.)
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Haemorrhides (Piles)
  • Gall Blader Stone

H. Endocrinology

  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Obesity

I. Cardiology

  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Increased Lipid Profile
  • I.H.D.
  • Vericose Veins

J. Paediatrics

  • Therapy for putting on weight
  • Therapies for Mentally Retarded Child
  • Therapies for Spastic child
  • Therapies for enhancing & improving memory coefficient
  • Therapies for preventing recurrent infections

K. Psycheatry

  • Therapies for combatting Anxiety/Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Hypersomnia
  • Depression
  • Psychosomatic diseases

L. miscellaneous

  • Migraine
  • Immuncompromised status
  • Maintenance therapy for HIV Infections & AIDS. (Rasayana Therapy.)
  • Adjuvant therapy - concomittent therapy for Cancer Patients.

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